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Policy Library
Welcome to the University’s policy library.
This site is a collection of existing University-wide policies. New policies, and updates to existing policies, are added to the Policy Library throughout the year. If you are looking for a policy and cannot find it, or are responsible for a policy that should be included in the library, please contact
Policies may be searched by policy number, policy name, keywords, Responsible Department, or Approver.
Policy No. Sort descending | Policy Name | Approver | Department | Updated |
AUDT 2.10.040 Audit Liaison (192.87 KB) | Audit Liaison | Board of Trustees | Internal Audit | 06/28/21 |
BUDG 2.20.020 Budgetary Responsibilities (100.74 KB) | Budgetary Responsibility & Structure | Chancellor | Budget, Planning, & Administration | 06/28/21 |
FINA 2.10.010 Central Business Files (55.92 KB) | Central Business Files | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/28/21 |
FINA 2.50.010 Space Utilization (102.13 KB) | Space Utilization | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/28/21 |
FINA 3.20.030 Public Service and Political Office (126.79 KB) | Public Service and Political Office | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/28/21 |
ULIB 1.10.020 Archives (63.85 KB) | Archives | Chancellor | University Libraries | 06/28/21 |
SAFE 1.10.030 Inclement Weather Closure (109.58 KB) | Inclement Weather Closure | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 06/28/21 |
PROV 3.40.010 Memberships (32.51 KB) | Memberships | Chancellor | Provost | 06/28/21 |
PROV 4.10.021 Administrator Emeritus (46.7 KB) | Administrator Emeritus | Chancellor | Provost | 06/28/21 |
LEGL 1.10.060 Litigation Hold (102.37 KB) | Litigation Hold | Chancellor | General Counsel | 06/28/21 |
LEGL 1.10.050 Subpoenas, Service of Process, and Other Legal Papers (111.88 KB) | Subpoenas, Service of Process, and Other Legal Papers | Chancellor | General Counsel | 06/28/21 |
HRIC 4.10.020 Emeritus Status (100.38 KB) | Emeritus Status | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 06/28/21 |
IT 2.10.080 Review of Business Applications and System Implementation (109.57 KB) | Review of Business Applications and System Implementation | Chancellor | Information Technology | 07/09/21 |
IT 2.30.060 Identity Theft Prevention (170.15 KB) | Identity Theft Prevention | Chancellor | Information Technology | 07/09/21 |
IT 1.10.090 University Common Calendar (54.21 KB) | University Common Calendar | Chancellor | Information Technology | 07/09/21 |
FINA 2.30.050 Property Control (104.55 KB) | Property Control | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 07/09/21 |
PROV 2.30.080 Speaker and Public Events (188.41 KB) | Speaker and Public Events | Chancellor | Provost | 07/09/21 |
EHS 2.50.050 Environmental Health and Safety (113.75 KB) | Environmental Health and Safety | Chancellor | Environmental Health & Safety | 06/28/21 |
FINA 2.30.070 PCI DSS Compliance (141.24 KB) | PCI DSS Compliance | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/30/21 |
BOT 1.10.011 Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation (359.8 KB) | Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation for the University of Denver | Board of Trustees | Board of Trustees | 05/14/20 |
FINA 2.20.080 University Bank Accounts (135.49 KB) | University Bank Accounts | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 09/14/21 |
FINA 2.20.090 Valuation of Investment Real Estate (137.92 KB) | Valuation of Investment Real Estate | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 09/14/21 |
SAFE 7.10.030 Security Cameras (140.89 KB) | Security Cameras | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 09/14/21 |
HRIC 3.10.040 Jury Duty (49 KB) | Jury Duty | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 09/15/21 |
HRIC 3.10.050 Nepotism (51.66 KB) | Nepotism | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 09/15/21 |
FINA 2.30.091 Establishment of Quasi-Endowments (106.06 KB) | Establishment of Quasi-Endowments | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 10/15/21 |
FINA 2.20.040 Working Capital (178.61 KB) | Working Capital | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 10/15/21 |
IT 13.10.014 Wireless Access (92.17 KB) | Wireless Access | Chancellor | Information Technology | 10/27/21 |
IT 13.10.020 IT Governance (139.7 KB) | IT Governance | Chancellor | Information Technology | 10/27/21 |
OPER 9.10.010 Key Access and Control (152.34 KB) | Key Access and Control | Chancellor | Operations | 10/27/21 |
IT 13.10.010 Use of Computer and Network Systems (208.34 KB) | Use of Computer and Network Systems | Chancellor | Information Technology | 10/27/21 |
IT 13.10.012 Workstation Security and Clear Desk (97.7 KB) | Workstation Security and Clear Desk | Chancellor | Information Technology | 10/27/21 |
SAFE 7.10.020 Alarm and Security Systems (149.57 KB) | Alarm and Security Systems | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 11/05/21 |
FINA 2.10.090 Internal Control (109.49 KB) | Internal Control | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 11/10/21 |
HRIC 3.40.020 Benefits Eligibility Criteria (127.59 KB) | Benefits Eligibility Criteria | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 11/11/21 |
HRIC 3.40.070 Amicus Awards (94.11 KB) | Amicus Awards | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 12/10/21 |
RISK 2.50.010 Employee Indemnification (114.58 KB) | Employee Indemnification | Chancellor | Enterprise Risk Management | 12/10/21 |
FINA 2.10.071 Sub-Certification (231.66 KB) | Sub-Certification | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 12/10/21 |
ATHL 6.10.020 Tailgates (190.46 KB) | Tailgates | Chancellor | Athletics & Recreation | 12/10/21 |
SAFE 7.10.050 Non-Motorized and Small Motorized Vehicles on Campus (149.73 KB) | Non-Motorized and Small Motorized Vehicles on Campus | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 12/10/21 |
HRIC 3.30.040 Major Disaster Leave Bank Program (139.87 KB) | Major Disaster Leave Bank Program | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 09/15/21 |
RISK 1.10.025 Records Management (113.89 KB) | Records Management | Chancellor | Enterprise Risk Management | 01/14/22 |
FINA 2.10.070 Corporate Governance (99.41 KB) | Corporate Governance and Responsibility | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 01/28/22 |
HRIC 3.30.030 Rehire (52.79 KB) | Rehire | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 09/15/21 |
ATHL 6.10.010 Name Image and Likeness (149.41 KB) | Student-Athlete Name, Image, and Likeness | Chancellor | Athletics & Recreation | 07/01/21 |
BUDG 2.20.010 Gainshare (126.8 KB) | Gainshare | Chancellor | Budget, Planning, & Administration | 01/28/22 |
FINA 3.20.070 Code of Business Conduct (164.52 KB) | Code of Business Conduct | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/28/21 |
HRIC 3.30.041 Catastrophic Illness or Injury Leave Bank (174.88 KB) | Catastrophic Illness/Injury Leave Bank Program | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 09/15/21 |
EOIX 3.10.020 Affirmative Action (146.89 KB) | Affirmative Action | Chancellor | Equal Opportunity & Title IX | 02/28/22 |
SAFE 7.10.060 Weapons on Campus (145.17 KB) | Weapons on Campus | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 03/23/22 |
ORSP 8.10.010 Controlled Substances for Research Purposes (71.15 KB) | Controlled Substances for Research Purposes | Chancellor | Office of Research & Sponsored Programs | 03/23/22 |
FINA 2.30.018 Moving and Relocation Allowances for New Employees (87.06 KB) | Moving and Relocation Allowances for New Employees | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 05/09/22 |
EHS 16.10.010 Asbestos (155.48 KB) | Asbestos | Chancellor | Environmental Health & Safety | 05/31/22 |
EHS 16.10.020 Bloodborne Pathogens (95.99 KB) | Bloodborne Pathogens | Chancellor | Environmental Health & Safety | 05/31/22 |
OPER 9.10.021 Parking and Traffic (139.57 KB) | Parking and Traffic | Chancellor | Operations | 05/31/22 |
OPER 9.10.011 Establishment and Approval of Major Capital Projects (226.08 KB) | Establishment and Approval of Major Capital Projects | Board of Trustees | Operations | 06/03/22 |
FINA 2.30.016 Supplier Code of Conduct (162.55 KB) | Supplier Code of Conduct | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/27/22 |
SAFE 2.50.040 Critical Incident Management (111.81 KB) | Critical Incident Management | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 06/27/22 |
FINA 2.30.071 Vendor Validation (90.6 KB) | Vendor Validation | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/27/22 |
FINA 2.30.019 Change Funds (110.55 KB) | Change Funds | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/27/22 |
SAFE 7.10.031 Unmanned Aircraft (Drones and Model Aircraft) (144.54 KB) | Unmanned Aircraft (Drones and Model Aircraft) | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 09/08/22 |
PROV 2.30.055 Works of Art and Collections Acceptance and Display (156.17 KB) | Works of Art, Collections, Acceptance & Display | Chancellor | Provost | 09/12/22 |
ADV 10.10.020 Donor-Funded Naming Opportunities and Fund Minima (210.05 KB) | Donor-Funded Naming Opportunities and Fund Minima | Board of Trustees | Advancement | 09/30/22 |
MCOM 15.10.040 Social Media (138.71 KB) | Social Media | Chancellor | Marketing & Communications | 10/19/22 |
ATHL 6.10.030 Student-Athlete Serious Misconduct Attestation (195.59 KB) | Student-Athlete Serious Misconduct Attestation | Chancellor | Athletics & Recreation | 10/19/22 |
HRIC 3.40.050 Holidays (135.74 KB) | Holidays | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 10/26/22 |
SAFE 7.10.062 Reporting and Investigating Misuse or Theft of University Assets (145.07 KB) | Reporting and Investigating Misuse or Theft of University Assets | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 11/14/22 |
MCOM 15.10.010 Photography and Videography on University Premises (111.08 KB) | Photography and Videography on University Premises | Chancellor | Marketing & Communications | 11/14/22 |
FINA 2.10.032 Contract Management (171.62 KB) | Contract Management | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 11/14/22 |
IT 13.10.015 Security Awareness and Training (161.11 KB) | Security Awareness and Training | Chancellor | Information Technology | 01/11/23 |
IT 13.10.013 Password Management (154.56 KB) | Password Management | Chancellor | Information Technology | 01/11/23 |
IT 13.10.051 Data Classification (162.95 KB) | Data Classification | Chancellor | Information Technology | 01/11/23 |
IT 13.10.050 Institutional Data Management (171.18 KB) | Institutional Data Management | Chancellor | Information Technology | 01/11/23 |
IT 13.10.030 Disposal of Hard Drive and Computer Storage Media (112.16 KB) | Disposal of Hard Drive and Computer Storage Media | Chancellor | Information Technology | 01/17/23 |
AUDT 18.10.010 Retaliation and Whistleblower Protection (182.05 KB) | Retaliation and Whistleblower Protection | Board of Trustees | Internal Audit | 01/23/23 |
HRIC 3.20.050 Tobacco-Free Campus (131.09 KB) | Tobacco-Free Campus | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 01/30/23 |
OPER 9.10.012 Facility Maintenance Operations Management and Minor Capital Projects (139.11 KB) | Facility Maintenance, Operations Management, and Minor Capital Projects | Chancellor | Operations | 02/03/23 |
HRIC 3.10.033 Flexible Work for Staff (218.16 KB) | Flexible Work for Staff | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 02/15/23 |
FINA 1.10.040 Policy on Policies (154.06 KB) | Policy on Policies | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 09/29/21 |
ORSP 2.40.010 Intellectual Property (181.37 KB) | Intellectual Property | Board of Trustees | Office of Research & Sponsored Programs | 03/06/23 |
KMC 19.01.010 James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus Policies and Procedures (47.96 KB) | Kennedy Mountain Campus Policies and Procedures | Chancellor | Athletics & Recreation | 04/05/23 |
IT 13.10.040 Technology Acquisition (164.43 KB) | Technology Acquisition | Chancellor | Information Technology | 04/04/23 |
FINA 2.10.034 Purchasing Card (P-Card) (152.38 KB) | Purchasing Card (P-Card) | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 04/04/23 |
IT 13.10.080 Information Security (200.68 KB) | Information Security | Chancellor | Information Technology | 04/12/23 |
PROV 4.10.030 Recording Classes (193.3 KB) | Recording Classes | Chancellor | Provost | 04/28/23 |
FINA 2.30.020 University-Issued Mobile Devices (142.61 KB) | University-Issued Mobile Device(s) | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 04/28/23 |
SAFE 7.10.061 Campus Violence (182.93 KB) | Campus Violence | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 04/28/23 |
FINA 3.20.010 Use and Consumption of Alcohol (192.59 KB) | Use and Consumption of Alcohol | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 05/01/23 |
FINA 2.20.040 Debt Management (102.49 KB) | Debt Management | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/02/23 |
SAFE 7.10.062 Face Coverings (111.11 KB) | Face Coverings | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 06/02/23 |
Amended and Restated Bylaws for University of Denver (176.47 KB) | Amended and Restated Bylaws for University of Denver | Board of Trustees | Board of Trustees | 07/01/23 |
IT 2.30.065 Data Breach Protocol (152.87 KB) | Data Breach Protocol | Chancellor | Information Technology | 06/08/23 |
IT 13.10.011 Mobile Device Use (137.48 KB) | Mobile Device Use | Chancellor | Information Technology | 04/04/23 |
HRIC 3.10.060 Employee Grievance (147.61 KB) | Faculty Grievance Policy | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 06/08/18 |
RISK 2.50.030 Workers Compensation (153.16 KB) | Workers' Compensation | Chancellor | Enterprise Risk Management | 07/28/23 |
SAFE 7.10.011 Missing Student Notification (164.7 KB) | Missing Student Notification | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 10/01/23 |
RISK 3.20.060 Conflict of Interest (136.94 KB) | Conflict of Interest | Board of Trustees | Enterprise Risk Management | 01/11/23 |
HRIC 3.10.034 International Work (139.3 KB) | International Work | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 04/28/23 |
PROV 2.30.081 Policy and Principles on Freedom of Expression (101.08 KB) | Policy and Principles on Freedom of Expression | Board of Trustees | Provost | 01/19/18 |
HRIC 3.50.010 Lactation and Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding (134.97 KB) | Lactation and Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 11/07/23 |
FINA 2.30.051 Disposition of Surplus Property (Assets and Equipment) (197.75 KB) | Disposition of Surplus Property (Assets and Equipment) | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 11/15/23 |
HRIC 3.10.035 - Essential Employees (138.31 KB) | Essential Employees | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 11/22/23 |
HRIC 3.10.061 - Corrective Action for Staff (144.67 KB) | Corrective Action for Staff | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 11/22/23 |
MCOM 15.10.050 Mass Text Messaging (140.83 KB) | Mass Text Messaging | Chancellor | Marketing & Communications | 11/30/23 |
RISK 2.50.060 Protection of Minors on University Premises and in University Programs (185.23 KB) | Protection of Minors on University Premises and in University Programs | Chancellor | Enterprise Risk Management | 06/06/23 |
HRIC 3.10.060A Staff Employee Grievance Policy and Procedures (137.72 KB) | Staff Employee Grievance Policy and Procedures | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 02/15/24 |
PROV 4.10.040 Copyright Compliance (118.46 KB) | Copyright Compliance | Chancellor | Provost | 02/15/24 |
ORSP 1.10.070 Export Control (101.77 KB) | Export Control | Chancellor | Office of Research & Sponsored Programs | 02/15/24 |
RISK 12.10.010 Use of University Vehicles (199.23 KB) | Use of University Vehicles | Chancellor | Enterprise Risk Management | 08/01/22 |
FINA 2.30.052 Solicitation (139.05 KB) | Solicitation | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 04/03/24 |
RISK 12.10.030 HIPAA (240.78 KB) | HIPAA Policy | Chancellor | Enterprise Risk Management | 04/03/24 |
RISK 12.10.020 Background Checks (175.32 KB) | Background Checks | Chancellor | Enterprise Risk Management | 11/14/22 |
HRIC 3.40.030 Retirement and Retiree Benefits (67.67 KB) | Retirement and Retiree Benefits | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 11/11/21 |
PROV 2.30.083 Interim Demonstrations, Protest, and Free Expression (220.09 KB) | Interim Policy on Demonstrations, Protest, and Free Expression | Chancellor | Provost | 05/09/24 |
ADV 10.10.010 Gift Acceptance (337.3 KB) | Gift Acceptance | Board of Trustees | Advancement | 06/07/24 |
FINA 2.30.054 Incoming Sponsorships (158.15 KB) | Incoming Sponsorships | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/11/24 |
FINA 2.30.053 - Outgoing Sponsorships (151.78 KB) | Outgoing Sponsorships | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 06/11/24 |
RISK 2.50.070 International Travel (269.54 KB) | International Travel | Chancellor | Enterprise Risk Management | 05/31/24 |
SAFE 7.10.010 Clery Act Compliance (156.12 KB) | Clery Act Compliance | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 07/15/24 |
HRIC 5.10.020 Staff Additional Pay (158.44 KB) | Staff Additional Pay | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 08/08/24 |
FINA 2.30.017 Reimbursement (112.46 KB) | Reimbursement Policy | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 08/31/22 |
FINA 2.30.021 University-Provided Clothing (137.01 KB) | University-Provided Clothing | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 10/01/23 |
FINA 2.30.011 Business Expense (146.99 KB) | Business Expense | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 08/31/22 |
FINA 2.30.012 Travel Expense (211.41 KB) | Travel Expense | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 09/09/24 |
EOIX 13.10.010 Discrimination and Harassment (218.44 KB) | Discrimination and Harassment | Chancellor | Equal Opportunity & Title IX | 08/01/24 |
FINA 2.20.022 Investment Policy Statement (133.51 KB) | Investment Policy Statement | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 09/27/24 |
SAFE 7.10.092 Epinephrine Auto-Injectors (137.46 KB) | Epinephrine Auto-Injectors | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 10/10/24 |
SAFE 7.10.090 Public Access Defibrillation Program (149.57 KB) | Public Access Defibrillation Program | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 10/10/24 |
SAFE 7.10.091 Overdose Response Program (149.65 KB) | Overdose Response Program | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 10/10/24 |
HRIC 3.10.030 Hours of Work for Staff (161.41 KB) | Hours of Work for Staff | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 09/26/24 |
HRIC 5.10.040 Severance (156.2 KB) | Severance | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 11/07/24 |
EOIX 3.10.011 Reporting Disclosures Under Discrimination and Harassment (240.49 KB) | Reporting by University Employees of Disclosures Relating to the University's Discrimination and Harassment Policy | Chancellor | Equal Opportunity & Title IX | 08/01/24 |
HRIC 3.30.010 Leave Policy (243.16 KB) | Leave Policy | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 12/06/24 |
FINA 2.20.020 Consolidated Endowment Fund (87.86 KB) | Consolidated Endowment Fund: Management and Distribution | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 12/09/24 |
FINA 2.10.033 Procurement (249.07 KB) | Procurement | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 12/11/24 |
SAFE 3.20.020 Possession, Use, or Distribution of Controlled Substances (185.88 KB) | Possession, Use, or Distribution of Controlled Substances | Chancellor | Campus Safety | 10/27/21 |
FINA 2.20.070 Supplier Diversity (202.07 KB) | Supplier Diversity and Inclusion | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 12/11/24 |
HRIC 3.40.060 Employee Tuition Waiver (240.2 KB) | Employee Tuition Waiver | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 01/10/25 |
ORSP 1.10.071 Suspension and Debarment (134.56 KB) | Suspension and Debarment | Chancellor | Office of Research & Sponsored Programs | 01/16/25 |
HRIC 5.10.030 Posting of Job Opportunities (152.68 KB) | Posting for Faculty, Staff and Student Positions | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 01/16/25 |
FINA 13.10.011 Special Community Member (139.34 KB) | Special Community Member | Chancellor | Business & Financial Affairs | 01/16/25 |
HRIC 3.10.070 Consensual Relationships (149.53 KB) | Consensual Relationships | Chancellor | Human Resources & Inclusive Community | 01/23/25 |
FINA 2.10.030 Limits of Authority (258.37 KB) | Limits of Authority | Board of Trustees | Business & Financial Affairs | 09/27/24 |